Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

El programa que te gradúa como Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) fue creado por la Linux Foundation y la Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) como parte de un esfuerzo continuo para ayudar a desarrollar el ecosistema de Kubernetes. Dado que se trata de uno de los proyectos de código abierto de mayor velocidad, el uso de Kubernetes está en la parte más alta de la cúspide.

Datos Importantes


Tanto el curso como el examen de kubernetes están en inglés.


La certificación como Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) de la Linux Foundation se halla en la modalidad «A tu propio ritmo» (eliges tus horarios y días de estudio).


Tienes hasta un año para hacer el curso de la Linux Foundation y para rendir la prueba..


El costo del CURSO + el VOUCHER para el examen de certificación tiene un precio de 575 dólares.

Para nuestros alumnos, tenemos cupones de descuento que les permiten adquirir el CURSO + el VOUCHER a precios preferenciales.

Además, nosotros apoyamos de forma decidida el proceso de certificación de nuestros alumnos, ofreciendoles, de forma paralela, material educativo que apoye el buen rendimiento de su examen.

Método de pago: Tarjeta de crédito. En cualquiera de los caso, el pago se hace directamente a la Linux Foundation (en su página web).


Este es el detalle del programa de estudios del curso de la Linux Foundation para certificar como Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

Chapter 1. Course Introduction

Chapter 2. Basics of Kubernetes

Chapter 3. Installation and Configuration

Chapter 4. Kubernetes Architecture

Chapter 5. APIs and Access

Chapter 6. OPI Objects

Chapter 7. Managing State with Deployments

Chapter 8. Services

Chapter 9. Volumes and Data

Chapter 10. Ingress

Chapter 11. Scheduling

Chapter 12. Logging and Troubleshooting

Chapter 13. Custom Resource Definitions

Chapter 14. Helm

Chapter 15. Security

Chapter 16. High Availability


Este es el detalle de los temarios que abarcará el examen de Certificación de la Linux Foundation para optar a la Certificación como Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) .

The CKA Certification focuses on the skills required to be a successful Kubernetes Administrator in industry today.

The CKA Certification exam includes these general domains and their weights on the exam:

Application Lifecycle Management – 8%

Installation, Configuration & Validation – 12%

Core Concepts – 19%

Networking – 11%

Scheduling – 5%

Security – 12%

Cluster Maintenance – 11%

Logging / Monitoring – 5%

Storage – 7%

Troubleshooting – 10%

Application Lifecycle Management – 8%

Understand deployments and how to perform rolling update and rollbacks

Know various ways to configure applications

Know how to scale applications

Understand the primitives necessary to create a self-healing application

Installation, Configuration & Validation – 12%

Design a Kubernetes Cluster

Install Kubernetes Masters and Nodes

Configure secure cluster communications

Configure a highly-available Kubernetes cluster

Know where to get the Kubernetes release binaries

Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster

Choose a network solution

Choose your Kubernetes infrastructure configuration

Run end-to-end tests on your cluster

Analyze end-to-end test results

Run Node end-to-end Tests

Install and use kubeadm to install, configure, and manage Kubernetes clusters

Core Concepts – 19%

Understand the Kubernetes API primitives

Understand the Kubernetes cluster architecture

Understand Services and other network primitives

Networking – 11%

Understand the networking configuration on the cluster nodes

Understand Pod networking concepts

Understand Service Networking

Deploy and configure network load balancer

Know how to use Ingress rules

Know how to configure and use the cluster DNS

Understand CNI

Scheduling – 5%

Use label selectors to schedule Pods

Understand the role of DaemonSets

Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling

Understand how to run multiple schedulers and how to configure Pods to use them

Manually schedule a pod without a scheduler

Display scheduler events

Security – 12%

Know how to configure authentication and authorization

Understand Kubernetes security primitives

Know how to configure network policies

Create and manage TLS certificates for cluster components

Work with images securely

Define security contexts

Secure persistent key value store

Cluster Maintenance – 11%

Understand Kubernetes cluster upgrade process

Facilitate operating system upgrades

Implement backup and restore methodologies

Logging / Monitoring – 5%

Understand how to monitor all cluster components

Understand how to monitor applications

Manage cluster component logs

Manage application logs

Storage – 7%

Understand persistent volumes and know how to create them

Understand access modes for volumes

Understand persistent volume claims primitive

Understand Kubernetes storage objects

Know how to configure applications with persistent storage

Troubleshooting – 10%

Troubleshoot application failure

Troubleshoot control plane failure

Troubleshoot worker node failure

Troubleshoot networking